
you haha thing you

-You HaHa Thing You-

Papa says by 5 years time he'll be in a wheelchair, spinal neuropathy is tricky
25 years ago, I was told: Pull your pants down and moon the bus driver already chicken.
Mrs. Rasher washed her car off with a garden hose, and after its all over
I look back in the rear view, her stunned face, sunk in a little.

How funny you haha thing you,
you home town: cinnamon hot glue gun drive by shooting.
Bike rides to Price Chopper past Ralph,
the meanest dog  my brothers and I'd ever seen
and how lovely to be peddling for your life and laughing.  

And wait, can we back up and redo you Stephanie?
You weren't coming back from vacation
when I came in for a popsicle one extra hot summer day.
Reno keeps you young for years.
The drunk driver walked away with a gash on his forehead.
I learned this years later when being angry became natural.

The childhood cat we've had for 16 years, Such a slut this one.
All hours of the night; fighting and fucking and what a great cat life. 
When you're young a cat never ages and gets feline aids
and then it was a ha ha joke, remember the time 
Percy took a shit in your bed? Ha how funny.

My brothers were kids growing into people
And what a funny thought, siblings as people.
People slam doors, yell god damned, wash their cars, become strangers.

But what happens when you're at Venture standing in line for milk
and the person behind you taps you on the shoulder, hey the line is moving.
And can you just wait a second?

I need to think about my choices here. Milk is what I wanted?
Can I have a redo? Can Mother call me some Sunday evening, 
I didn't call you the past 5 years but hey remember 
the time I gave birth to you? It was hell honey. 
Your ass was so red.

The truth is I don't call my Grandmother because she doesn't know who I am.
And that is a bad excuse. I'm waiting for her to leave me like someone backing up into fog.
Ha ha you funny life you keep me joking.

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