Natsumi Hayashi, a sweet-looking Japanese girl who does a series of levitating self portraits. She scoots about town and sets up a SLR and self timer, often times literally jumping into place, with the idea of make it look less forced and just natural. When asked by My Modern Met about others' reactions' to her jumping around Tokyo she relys with a funny story, "One day, when I was jumping at a famous sightseeing spot in western Tokyo, workers at a souvenir shop were frightened by how I was jumping. They were whispering things like 'Is the girl mentally ill' and 'Do we need to call the police?' "So I stopped jumping and apologized to them by saying, 'I am taking jumping photos for my wedding party's slide show.' Their faces turned bright red, and they said things like 'Oh dear!' and 'Congratulations!' and even 'Keep jumping!" "Then, I took one of the best levitation shots of the entire series."
"We are all surrounded by social stress as we are bound by the forces of earth's gravity," Natsumi says when asked why she took on the series. "So, I hope that people feel something like an instant release from their stressful days by seeing my levitation photos."
Photographs by Natsumi Hayashi:
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