
Granny Scratch

-There Once Was A Kid Who Ate Doughnuts-

There once was a kid who ate doughnuts.
He kept doing it until he threw up.
Then he kept doing it
And doing it.

-How to Fold Socks-

Step One: Lay socks out on even flat surface. Group them into piles by color, purpose, and texture.

There were grand windows in the room which looked directly into another grand house. This was the block. You’ve never met your neighbors but based on their yard, the flow of cars in the middle of the night down the long circle drive, how their lights stay on day and night. Every light in the damn house. On. No curtains, no blinds, no shutters over the windows. You can see everything. 

Step Two: Start with one group   of socks, say dress socks and match their pattern. Lay them on top of each other.

“Something about the road.” He paused, “It was a circus.” Then scratched his elbow.
“Are they okay?” I asked him. And motioned out to the parking lot on the other side of the street. He turned his head that direction and looked at something for a long time. Silence feels good in small pockets.  Finally he said, “No, no I don’t think so.” I took his word for it.

Step Three: Fold in half, slip one opening in to the other and this creates a cocoon like ball mass that holds two socks together.

There is a cardboard cut-out mountain at the window’s rear and behind the moon, a tear in the paper so big the moon stretched its belly double big to cover its holes.

The back of the man’s head in the window, we can see his hands this time moving upward towards his face. Just this glow. The man can see his own hands this time. Just a few inches in front of his face, these hands are glowing.  A man with glow in the dark hands. Then that’s the introduction.

-Once Upon a Time In Deep Deep Space-

There was a boy who discovered weather
There was snow. There was a blizzard.
There were no signs of letting up.

Meanwhile, Olivia woke from a bed full of flowers.
A circle of faces leaning over her.
The sun came through a window somewhere and the sun was orange with s

Shoes were being made on the other side of town where night was held.
People way up past their bed time, hammered.
Shadows on the wall made them look taller.

We all believe.

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